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6 steps for notifying beneficiaries about an estate in Maryland

On Behalf of | May 23, 2024 | Estate Planning

After someone dies in Maryland, the person’s estate executor or personal representative may need to inform beneficiaries about their potential inheritance.

Proper communication ensures transparency. It also minimizes misunderstandings among beneficiaries.

1. Find out who the beneficiaries are

The deceased’s estate planning documents, such as wills and trusts, should name beneficiaries. They typically include spouses, children, parents and other close relatives of the deceased.

2. Gather contact information

The estate planning documents should have the beneficiaries’ contact information, including mailing addresses and phone numbers. This information will be necessary for communicating with them throughout the estate administration process.

3. Send a formal notice

Send a formal notice to each person informing them of the deceased’s passing and their potential inheritance. The notice should include details about the estate administration process. They include the appointment of an executor or personal representative, and any upcoming deadlines or requirements.

4. Provide documentation

Along with the notice, provide relevant documentation, such as a copy of the deceased’s will, if available, and any other legal documents related to the estate. This allows beneficiaries to review the information and understand their rights and responsibilities.

5. Maintain communication

You may need to answer any questions or concerns the beneficiaries have about the estate administration process. Clear and concise explanations can reduce confusion and build trust.

Throughout the estate administration process, maintain open communication. Inform beneficiaries of any significant developments, such as the sale of estate assets or the distribution of inheritance.

6. Resolve disputes

In some cases, disputes may arise among beneficiaries regarding the distribution of assets or other estate-related matters. Address these disputes promptly and seek resolution through mediation or legal channels if necessary. Resolving conflicts early can help prevent delays and ensure a smooth estate administration process.

By following these steps, executors can effectively notify heirs about an estate in Maryland and navigate the administration process with transparency and clarity.

