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An Ounce of Prevention for the Commercial Landlord

On Behalf of | Jun 13, 2014 | Business Law

A four part series by SMLH attorney Kevin J. Mahoney

Despite continued assertions the economy is recovering, disputes continue to routinely arise between commercial landlords and tenants.  Some of these disputes inevitably  involve the failure of the tenant’s business.  However, others are focused on specific parts of the landlord/tenant relationship which can and should have been addressed at the leasing stage.

This four part series will focus on common leasing problems and steps which can be taken to protect parties in commercial leases.

Part 1: Steps to be Considered at the Time of Leasing to Protect Landlords in the Event of Default

Part 2: Other Important Lease Terms

Part 3: Important Consideration Once the Collection Process Begins

Part 4: Helpful Hints in Any Lease Relationship

